Tina DeSalvo
Journalist-turned author, Tina DeSalvo, is a cancer survivor and the other Wonder Woman you’re yet to meet. She’s reported for national broadcasts; CNN, NBC, CBS, and wire services during hurricanes in coastal Louisiana. Tina often identifies local cancer organizations in the cities she travels to and donates a portion of book sales to the unmet needs of the people in the fight for their lives and their families. Here’s her amazing story!
CR8VSPOT: Please tell us a bit about yourself
Tina DeSalvo: Hi and thank you for featuring me for this Spotlight! I’m honored that you have asked me to be here with you! My name is Tina DeSalvo. I was born and raised in one of the neighborhoods of New Orleans but later moved to bayou country in Louisiana where I had a 30 plus year career as a broadcast journalist.
I started as a play-play football and basketball announcer for high school games and as a Sportscaster reporting on local teams, including the New Orleans Saints (WHO DAT!). In those early days, I was often the only female sports reporter doing interviews in the post-game locker rooms and in the press boxes. As time went on, I moved into news (and that meant a lot of Hurricane coverage!) until I eventually got out of the business to pursue my long-time dream; writing fiction (novels)! Lol!
Mostly, what inspired me was their tenacity, strength, humor, love of family, determination, and history.
I know it seems like a big departure from reporting on REAL stuff to making things up, but it was being with the people I reported during their most challenging and triumphant times that inspired me to write stories that included bits of their experiences. Mostly, what inspired me was their tenacity, strength, humor, love of family, determination, and history.
CR8VSPOT: You’re a fighter and survivor? What was your biggest self-discovery or revelation after you were diagnosed?
TD: Well, I mentioned I stepped away from news to pursue a long-time dream of being a novelist, to write stories with happily-ever-afters that made me laugh and feel good. News wasn’t always about feeling good. But, I always felt it was important. Still do. Yet, one sunny, normal day (or so I had thought) suddenly my world was rocked to the core- it was a shock- totally unexpected and not in my wildest imagination (and that says a lot. I’m an author, trust me, it’s pretty outrageous).
That news is truly so physically frightening, I trembled hearing it. Were they really talking about me?
The lump I discovered was breast cancer! That news is truly so physically frightening, I trembled hearing it. Were they really talking about me? Did the doctor say Tina DeSalvo or had he said a different name?
Quickly, after my mind raced to all the reasons I didn’t want to die, the fear and internal dialogue had me thinking about my unfulfilled “dreams” and “desires”. Dear God, I might not have time later to get to the things I wanted to do. There might not be a “later”. One racing thought rushed to another and I began to contemplate what would my legacy be? What would my family think of when they remembered me! It sounds pretty dramatic to have all of these thoughts but understandable too.
“Yet, in the deepest recesses of my heart and soul, I believed I would beat it.”
— T I N A D E S A L V O
I was battling a very serious Stage 3 cancer. It was both physically and emotionally hard! Yet, in the deepest recesses of my heart and soul, I believed I would beat it. I also understood that could be just my human desire and hope. Ultimately, My faith prevailed; God was in charge! He loved me, and His will would be done. It would be fine because of that love. So, you asked what my biggest discovery was…and I guess to summarize what I was trying to say, I realized I wasn’t in charge, I had to trust God.
I wanted to make sure that whenever the end came, I wanted to leave my family with lasting and positive memories (legacy) of me. I wanted my life to teach them about love, joy, optimism, and pursuing their dreams! I had to get finished with a book- and publish it…not just be that person who talked about wanting to write a book. They would see I achieved it!
CR8VSPOT: Your book Elli is one of your most outstanding works yet. Please give us an insight into the inspiration for it.
TD: Wow! Thank you for saying that! I wrote Elli while I was undergoing two years of BC treatment. During the surgery recoveries, the chemotherapy, radiation, and some time afterward, I decided to write a fictional story about life after battling cancer- but in a light-hearted, positive way. I realized watching the blessed cancer warriors who walked out of the chemo infusion lab celebrating the victories, that their lives awaited them free of the daily challenges of battling cancer! I realized when I took my first steps outside of the safe embrace and watchful eyes of the medical team, I had to figure out how to live as a Survivor!
Inspired by the many amazing warriors around me, I came up with Elli’s story. Elli is a cancer survivor. She is a successful, single woman who lost her mother to the same cancer she just survived. Now, she has decided to live her life unencumbered, with no family (she vowed to never marry and have children) in case cancer returned…instead, she wants to work to help others fighting cancer with their unmet needs.
But, as life tends to teach us what we need to learn, Elli finds herself inheriting property in Louisiana (she’s from L-A). Her unencumbered vow just isn’t working out for her.
The man she inherits the property with challenges her fears and his well-meaning Cajun family challenge her too. Soon she realizes, what she thought she wanted, isn’t really what she wanted after all. But, can she overcome her fears to claim the joy- the dream within reach? Elli’s fears are that of all survivors…of cancer or any life-threatening condition or event. I add a bit of mystery, lots of dogs, and fun-loving Cajun characters to help Elli find her way.
…it leaves readers laughing, crying, or trying to figure out the mystery the characters are embroiled in.
CR8VSPOT: How do you develop yourself outside of work?
TD: Besides people-watching and being an observer of people interacting with one another, I draw so much inspiration for my characters; by that, I attend seminars given by other writers. I work on my craft by listening to what my peers have to share and by reading a wide range of work. These things are fun for me. I also find fun and joy by traveling, spending time with my family, and allowing myself to play. These things allow me to relax, breathe, and in the end be happier. Isn’t that what we all want? Isn’t that how we develop ourselves? Learn from others and enjoy the moments in our day.
CR8VSPOT: What do you love most about what you do?
TD: Getting lost in the story! I love creating characters who are made up of bits and pieces, and experiences of people I know or heard about. They also are made up of some of my experiences. I LOVE putting them in circumstances that challenge, frustrate and toss them upside down to the point it leaves readers laughing, crying, or trying to figure out the mystery the characters are embroiled in. But, most of all, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE meeting readers who love books!
The only way to overcome not getting words on the page is sitting down and writing down the words on the page!
CR8VSPOT: We hear a lot about writer’s block. Is that a real thing for great writers like you? (*smiles).
TD: I don’t believe in writers’ block. I do believe in DISTRACTION! Ugh! I think I’ve gotten ADHD in recent years!! Lol. The only way to overcome not getting words on the page is sitting down and writing the words on the page! It might be terrible- but you can’t fix what isn’t there.
CR8VSPOT: What do your readers find most intriguing about you and your books?
TD: Heck if I know!! Lol! I can tell you what I’m most intrigued about readers. The readers I meet at book events, book-signings, and when I give key-note talks…are happy. They smile a lot! They are friendly and anxious to talk about books and the characters authors create! It’s so nice to be around people who are there for the pure enjoyment of the story; mine and other authors’. It’s kindness, love, and good humor to share our common passion for the written word. I think in this, I can say a reader might most be intrigued by me because they know and are comfortable by the fact that I truly like being with them!
Surround yourself with people who have done what you want to do.
CR8VSPOT: What’s next with the Tina DeSalvo brand? What can your readers be looking forward to?
TD: I’ve got a lot in the pipeline coming. Through Friends Fight Together, (an effort to work with health institutions that are already in place) with the help of generous readers and authors, we will be raising funds across the United States for the fight against breast cancer and creating awareness. Our efforts focus on the unmet needs of the people in the fight for their lives and their families. I often identify local cancer organizations in the cities I travel to and donate a portion of book sales to their unmet needs funds.
As a personal commitment, I donate every cent I earn for the same causes; every cent of my author proceeds for Elli, a Second Chance Novel- and let these wonderful organizations already out there doing amazing work get it directly to the individuals who need it.
I’ve also got more books and reissuing old ones with brand new covers! I am and will be writing more of my Second Chance Novel series which I affectionately call my “Cajun Series” because it’s set in Bayou Country. A lot of the recurring characters will be back for mad-cap adventure and mystery. I also will be traveling to Orlando to hang out with awesome readers at Book Lovers Con in December! Then I’m scheduled as keynote speaker at Keep Your Motor Running Reader Event in Greenbay, Wisconsin, April 2022, and Reader and Authors Get Together in June 2022. Please visit my amazing, awesome website (thanks Anote!) for more info on my books and where I’ll be!
CR8VSPOT: The mind of a writer is full of endless creativity. What would your dream project or collaboration be?
TD: You know I can’t name, names!! Lol- you don’t have enough space for me to do that! (smiles) I’d be happy to collaborate with a number of talented and intriguing authors! It would be a delight! I know I’d learn so much from them and I suspect we’d laugh a lot! For now, my dream project is finishing the book I’m writing; to get to the Happily Ever After!
CR8VSPOT: What would your advice be, for someone tethering on the fence of decisions; to step into the world of becoming an author or choosing a different career path?
TD: Write your book! You don’t have to change your career path just yet to do that. Learn the craft of writing! Follow your dreams! Surround yourself with people who have done what you want to do. Most importantly, sit in your chair and write!!!💕
Tina DeSalvo’s Extras
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Food: Italian! Yum!
Favorite City: Wherever I am
Hobbies: RV’ing and reading
Source of inspiration: People and their experiences, as well as mine!
Turn off: Negativity. Talking poorly about someone else.
CR8VSPOT: Thank you for your time! It’s been an honor!
TD: It was an absolute honor for me to chat with you! You are such a wonderful and talented person, it’s nice to visit with you. 😎
You can find more of Tina’s work, Friends Fight Together, and her humanitarian services on her website